African Journal of
Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies

  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2736-0261
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEMATES
  • Start Year: 2020

AJEMATES Articles in press

Institutional Responses to COVID-19: The case of Public Higher Education Institutions of Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study focused on describing the crises of COVID 19 and institutional responses to manage the crises in public HEIs of Ethiopia. A case study research design was employed to conduct the qualitative study. Respondents were purposively selected and the interview was used to gather adequate and relevant data for the study. The finding of the study revealed that HEIs lack institutional capacity and readiness to...

Author(s):Teferi Mebratu Tafesse

Effect of School Administrators’ Conflict Management Strategies on Academic Staff Job Performance in State’s Tertiary Institutions, Adamawa State - Nigeria

Article in Press

This study examined the effect of school administrators’ conflict management strategies on academic staff job performance in state owned tertiary institutions in Adamawa state. The purpose of the study was to examine the causes of conflict, conflict management strategies and the effect of conflict on academic staff job performance in the Adamawa state owned tertiary institutions using descriptive survey research design....

Author(s):Kwaji Tizhe Takwate

21ST Century Skills and the Role of Information Communication Technologies (ICTS) in Nairobi, Kenya

Article in Press

Information Communication Technology has been identified as an important tool in the development of relevant skills in the 21st century. The development of technology along with the internet and the increased access to ICTs have played a major role in influencing how people work, live and engage in leisure as these spheres of human life increasingly become interconnected due to digitization. In this respect, this paper...

Author(s):George Oruta Meroka

Examination Malpractices, Management Styles And Academic Performance: The Case Of The University Of Bamenda

Article in Press

The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between examination malpractices, management styles and academic performance of students of the University of Bamenda. Research questions and hypotheses were stated and tested. The research made use of a descriptive research design while making use of the questionnaire to be able to obtain information from the respondents. A sample of 700 students were...

Author(s):Tayong Desmond Mimba

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