Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 484

Table of Content: October 2014; 6(10)

September 2014

Characterization of a barley-based farming system in the Arsi Highlands, Ethiopia

In order to minimize the gap between the demand for barley, particularly malt barley, and its supply, this study was initiated to assess the existing farming systems of the selected agro ecologies in order to develop appropriate malt barley technologies and major production constraints. In line to this, two districts with a potential in barley production were purposively selected from the Arsi highlands of Ethiopia and...

Author(s): Bedada Begna, Mesay Yami and Eshetu Lemma 

September 2014

Diversification and poverty upward mobility in isolated areas of Zambia: An agricultural assets transfer perspective

that should dramatically move their asset base towards the threshold necessary to take the first step out of poverty. Some beneficiaries of production assets have however, often remained the same or even relapsed into worse poverty. Understanding households’ diversification behavior according to stages in the domestic life cycle, and having a better insight into the structure of poverty dimensions that show a...

Author(s): Martin Muyunda

October 2014

Determinants of adoption of upland rice varieties in Fogera district, South Gondar, Ethiopia

The study was conducted in Fogera district, South Gondar zone, Amhara National Regional State (ANRS). Three Peasant Associations (PAs) among the fifteen PAs of upland growers of the district were selected purposively and a total of adopters and non-adopters of 120 selected households were interviewed to generate primary data. Descriptive statistics were used for analyzing quantitative data. Econometric model (binary...

Author(s): Yemane Asmelash